John and Paula Snyder - Chandler, Arizona USA John Snyder is a Graduate of the Brooks School of Photography in Santa Barbara, California and is retired from the federal government. He has an extensive background in photography and has traveled throughout Europe, the Mid-East, Central and South America on his professional assignments. During his career with the United States Government, Mr. Snyder trained hundreds of students in the science as well as in the art of photography. His works include gallery presentations and displays that has captured international events as well as personal travel. Mr. Snyder is an avid collector of vintage and minature cameras, photographic films and modern photo gear. When digital cameras emerged, John's collection expanded drastically and includes both the lesser known camera manufacturers as well as major brands. Each camera in his collection has been thoroughly tested and must be in working condition before becoming part of his holdings. Paula designs and fabricates jewelry for herself and friends. She has a wide selection of tools and equipment for hand crafting her designs at her residence, including gemstones and fine metals. Working together, Paula and John create artwork in two forms: The jewelry and the product photos. Paula and John catalog their jewelery using the Quadrapod Classic copy stand as well as share images with their friends. The image above was captured using the Sony Nex 7, a camera from John's collection. The Sony Nex 7 captured the beauty of this hand crafted pin in a 24 megabyte file, and archived as a tagged imagery file (TIF). Illumination was soft north window light. For table top imaging, John used the Quadrapod Classic. Many crafters usa website to display items that will be available at local craft shows or art walks. |